
COPA Flight 149

Fuel kiosk and hangar number one.

Card-lock Fuel Kiosk: a project of COPA 149 and the NCDRA Commission

COPA National logo

About COPA Flight 149

Captain: Adrian Verburg 905-733-0542

Email:  copa149atcnq3@gmail.com

COPA National classic logo

Got a question about COPA 149 or the NCDRA?  Drop us an email at copa149atcnq3@gmail.com

What is COPA?

What is COPA 149?

COPA 149 is the local chapter of COPA National

Who belongs to COPA 149?

Do I need to be a pilot? May I come to a meeting without joining?

What does COPA 149 do?

Winter at the Niagara Central Dorothy Rungeling Airport

Winter at the Niagara Central Dorothy Rungeling Airport