COPA 149
COPA Flight 149 Meetings
Meetings are usually on the third Thursday of the month
(Occasionally meetings are replaced by Special Events as announced on this web site and our Facebook pages)
Next Meeting: Thursday Mar 20 2025 19:00
Hangar #3 Air Cadet Hall
COPA Flight 149 Captain:
Adrian Verburg
Cell: 905-733-0542 (preferred)
Home: 905-774-8283
Guest speaker on the Lancaster and Avro Arrow
As Spring is around the corner we need to set up the 11/29 runway work ( perhaps rolling next week ).
News about the van and first booking started already.
Reminder about the posted list of Jobs requiring persons to step up and help out.
Steve will have an update as to membership and finances.
New business
Coffee and snacks 50/50
Aviation and airmanship videos