COPA 149
COPA Flight 149 Meetings
Meetings are usually on the third Thursday of the month
(Occasionally meetings are replaced by Special Events as announced on this web site and our Facebook pages)
Next Meeting: Thursday Dec 19 2024 18:00
Hangar #3 Air Cadet Hall
COPA Flight 149 Captain:
Adrian Verburg
Cell: 905-733-0542 (preferred)
Home: 905-774-8283
Our Christmas social get together. Pizza, wings and soft drinks courtesy of COPA149.
Potluck desserts by the COPA members.
For adult beverages, you are welcome to bring your own.
Christmas attire is optional, perhaps a chance to wear that "special" sweater.
As has been our custom, please bring some non perishable food items which we will take to one of Welland's food banks. This year it will be the Open Arms Mission in Welland. If you can bring cardboard boxes for packaging it would be greatly appreciated.
Please remember completed membership forms with exact cash or cheque $60 single, $80 couple. Your captain is required to update our information with COPA National at the end of each year.